Theological ponderings from William Loewen


Preaching topics

I am happy to preach on a variety of subjects.

The Puzzle of Scripture

Using a Rubiks Cube as a story-telling metaphor and as a visual hook, I invite my audience to approach Jesus’ parables (and other passages) as a person seeks to solve a riddle or puzzle.

Plan B Spirituality

Seeking God’s will is central to our faith journey. So, when what we think is God’s plan falls through, our faith often struggles. The Bible helps with this adjustment.

Wrestling with God

Sometimes the Christian life requires us to follow God no matter what, but the Bible tells a few stories of our heroes wrestling with who God is and what God wants.

Mennonite/Anabaptist History

The Anabaptist movement is approaching its 500th anniversary. I love telling the stories of those beginnings and the scriptures they wrestled with.


As the war drums in our society continue to beat, Jesus calls his followers to pursue the way of peace. How do we reconcile that with the Old Testament and what we see and feel around us?

The Beauty of the Gospel

The artist is a theologian. I like to bridge the gap between the Sunday morning contemplative epxerience and an art gallery reflection.

“Simplicity is so much more mysterious than complexity because it gives the impression that everything you need to know is right in front of you. But it isn’t. And then we begin to realize that often what we consider to be simple is extremely complex. Then the questions can begin.”

Erno Rubik

“Cubed: The Puzzle of us all”