Theological ponderings from William Loewen

Author: admin

  • In which I review “Jesus Feminist” : Part I

    In which I review “Jesus Feminist” : Part I

    I couldn’t narrow my thoughts about this book to one blog post, so this is first of a two-part review of “Jesus Feminist” by Sara Bessey. Sarah Bessey is someone that I follow with a great deal of interest, for a variety of reasons. First, she embodies a lot of the ways I see myself.…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-three

    Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-three

    Today’s Santa Claus comes from kit #4889 and can be viewed/ordered here. Some would argue that Santa Claus doesn’t belong with the Nativity set. I read a valid point this week that if we put Santa and baby Jesus side by side as equally worthwhile symbols of Christmas, then when children grow older and realize…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-two

    Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-two

    Today’s lantern is from Playmobil kit #4884 and can be viewed/ordered here. On the second day of reading about Jesus as the light come into the world, we get the only electric piece in the set, a cute little lantern with an auto shut-off. The light even flickers like a lamp would. Day 22 – John…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-One

    Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty-One

    Today’s wise man is part of Playmobil set #4886 and can be viewed/ordered here. Finally, all three wise men are present. Of course we set them up for the time when they realize that there is no mention anywhere of specifically how many were in the party of the Magi, but each king brings a different…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty

    Playmobil Advent – Day Twenty

    Today’s wise man is part of Playmobil set #4886 and can be viewed/ordered here. Today we met a second wise man, with a second different kind of gift, and representing a second different race. Day 20 – Matthew 2: 7-12 (TNIV) 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Nineteen

    Playmobil Advent – Day Nineteen

    Today’s wise man and fully stocked camel are part of Playmobil set #4886 and can be viewed/ordered here. Playmobil has once again demonstrated their theological astuteness by making the wise men a separate package.  It might even be smart of me to not bring them out until after Christmas or even to hold off on buying…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Eighteen

    Playmobil Advent – Day Eighteen

    Yesterday’s second smaller angel is part of Playmobil set #4889 and can be viewed/ordered here. Each angel in our set is assigned to a particular group of other characters.  The first large angel speaks to Mary and Joseph. The first small angel speaks to the shepherds and second angel speaks to the wise men who…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Seventeen

    Playmobil Advent – Day Seventeen

    Today’s two doves are from Playmobil kit #4884 and can be viewed/ordered here. There were two doves in the pocket for today.  One of them is visible in the picture behind the smaller angel, and the other one fell down in between me setting it up and me taking the picture, and I didn’t notice. I…

  • Playmobil Advent – Day Sixteen

    Playmobil Advent – Day Sixteen

    Today’s three sheep are from Playmobil kit #4884 and can be viewed/ordered here. The list of animals is growing.  The shepherds would likely have left the sheep behind, but it makes for a nice scene.  Ruby was really excited to pull out the sheep from the calendar.  It’s fun watching her piece together the story, and…

  • Playmobil Advent – Days Fourteen & Fifteen

    Playmobil Advent – Days Fourteen & Fifteen

    Today’s shepherd and angel are from Playmobil kit #4884 and can be viewed/ordered here. A busy weekend and a few lingering colds etc meant that the regular updates haven’t happened, but here are the readings for today and yesterday. Day 14 – Luke 2: 6-12 (TNIV) 6 While they were there, the time came for the…