Theological ponderings from William Loewen

Author: admin

  • Give up the rim (for Lent) to win

    This was printed last year in the local newspaper, and I’ve modified it to fit Lent this year.  Every year it boggles my mind that Roll up the Rim coincides with Lent. Old fashioned church stuff is dying.  Various media outlets love to repeat this news.  Some people within the church don’t believe this news…

  • What makes a Mennonite?

    Mennonite is a term that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Many of those meanings can be summed up in three categories; Mennonites are known by seed, by deed and by creed. … by seed. – Mennonite is primarily a faith position, but throughout time and in many parts of the…

  • AMOEBAS are cuter than TULIPS

    Bruxy Cavey recently bemoaned the fact that Arminians have no cute flower nicknames like the Calvinists have with their TULIP acronym. Greg Boyd agreed and issued a challenge for Arminians to come up with one. I won’t pretend to have a full grasp of Arminian theology, but for me a great start is a great…

  • Welcome

    Thank you for visiting this website. I will be posting some writing as well as sermon podcasts. I welcome comments on both. This explanation is available in the “About Us” section, but this is why I’ve chosen the name “Third Way.” For centuries, followers of Jesus around the world have felt that there are only…